Mike the wrestling cocksucker is back for more humiliation. He adores it so much that he actually paid me a pretty decent penny to write this... let's see how badly we can rip him to shreds. ;)
Here's a fun way to kick things off! I love visuals, don't you?
In an attempt to further the destruction of his already suffering masculinity, Mike decided to set up a wrestling match with this guy, who happens to be about 20 years his senior.
See Mike. See Mike wrestle. See Mike get his wimpy ass beaten down by an old dude.
See Drea laugh her glorious ass off.
Gee, Mike, not sure which is funnier - seeing you get beaten, or the fact that (despite his arms being in the way, while you are presented front and center. Oh, and the fact that your suit is way tighter...) your partner's bulge is about ten times more pronounced than yours is. Honestly, if you hadn't pointed it out, I might not have noticed. I thought maybe you'd just gotten a little dirt in your suit or something. My bad!
You do have a lovely camel toe, though. Oh, right. My bad again. Those are supposed to be testicles. Whoops. :)
And of course, as per "club regulations" (?!), Mike was required to give Mr. Old Dude a blow job after getting a face full of foot. Wow. It literally sucks to be you, doesn't it? LOL
Oh, yeah, update on the pink homo suit Mike had ordered for himself: Wrong size. (insert collective "aww" of disappointment from the crowd here.)
Such a pity! But take heart, people, he's ordered himself another one. I guess it wasn't quite tight enough for him to show off his undersized package. Try two sizes too small, Mike. Now I realize that your itty bitty clitty is way more than just two sizes too small, but the suit has to fit the rest of your body, too. :p
Okay, okay... enough with the stand-up comedy, already. Drea out!