Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It's Good to be Pleased :)

My Sweet Little Submissives,

I am overwhelmingly happy to announce that thanks to all My good boys that continue to call and do such a wonderful job keeping Me entertained, I have been given my FOURTH Performer Gold Award on Niteflirt!! Keep up the good work, boys :D 

Now for the updates:

Poor Michael.  His Mistress / Wife has seen fit to put him in chastity and tease him by allowing him to call Me... without access to his pretty little peewee.  LOL  All locked up in his panties and hard as a rock.  Guess you should have kept the panty cumming to a minimum, huh, sweetie?  What do you think it was that sent her over the edge, exactly?  Was it the time She came home with Her best friend to find you sitting in your cum-soaked panties in the chair by the door for Her?  Or maybe it was that time you dripped cum all over Her house after one of your episodes because you couldn't find the rubber panties you were supposed to be wearing in case of an accident.  :/  Now really, Michael, you should have known better.  You could have dripped all over the furniture!  Serves you right, really.  ;)

G. - I suppose you've waited long enough.  I've finally decided to take you off of My blocked list.  Lesson learned, I hope? LMAO I told you not to test me.  :)  I would have taken you off sooner, but I've been so busy lately.  You understand.  You know how hectic things get for me.  You have no one to blame but yourself, after all.  If you'd never put yourself on My naughty list in the first place, you would never have had to wait to get unblocked!  Let's hope you're ready to be a good boy for me now.  Be sure to have the sounding device and nipple clamps when you call.... you know how I hate to wait.  It takes away from My momentum, and we certainly can't have that.

As for the rest of you, continue being Good Boys for Me. ;)  I love you all, My sweet little subs!


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